星期三, 8月 18, 2010

Chorme的常用擴充功能 (二) 持續更新

續前篇洋洋灑灑的 Chorme的常用擴充功能 (一)

TinEye Reverse Image Search - 版本: 1.0

Find out where an image came from, how it's being used, if modified versions of the image exist, or find higher resolution versions.


Google 文件 PDF/PowerPoint 檢視器 (由 Google 提供) - 版本: 2 (已停用)

在 Google 文件檢視器中自動預覽 PDF、PowerPoint 簡報,以及其他文件。(在Chrome更新成Dev 版後PDF Reader已經變成原生功能,如果無法開啟請參考啟用 Google Chrome Dev 內建的 PDF Viewer)

Skipscreen (Unoffical Release) - 版本: 2.0.1

Now Working! Why click through ad-laden pages and wait for countdowns when your computer can do it for you?


    - Rapidshare.com
    - Megaupload.com
    - Depositfiles.com [skips the countdown!]
    - Megashare.vn
    - 4Shared.com
    - Hotfile.com
    - iFolder.com [Skips the ads]
    - Letitbit.net
    - FileFactory.com (beta)
    ..more coming soon!

    tabWheeler - 版本: 0.4

    This extension adds [mouse click + wheel] or [alt + wheel] tab scrolling behaviour to Google Chrome/Chromium

    按住 Alt+滾輪、左鍵+滾輪或中鍵+滾輪 即可快速切換分頁

    YouTube HD Suite - 版本: 1.0 (已停用)

    Perfect package to enjoy HD videos in YouTube. Always watching or downloading the highest quality format ( HD 1080p / HD 720p / HQ FLV / MP4 iPod ). Add download icons in video list page.

      右方出現下載YouTube工具,由官方網址下載YouTube HD Suite,但是改成Html5播放以後似乎可以直接在影片右鍵下載了。

        Pendule - 版本: 0.0.10

        Web developer tools for Chrome.


        Instant Image Editor - 版本: 1

        Edit any image or background image instantly by alt + right-clicking it!


          Chrome SEO - 版本: 0.8

          The Google Chrome SEO Extension. All the SEO Stats and Tools you need to make daily SEO easier. The MOST popular Chrome SEO Plugin!


          Window Resizer - 版本: 1.4.2

          Resize browser window to emulate various screen resolutions


          gCast Weather - 版本: 2.1.2

          Quick display of current weather and 4 day forecast from Google

          四天的天氣預報。翻譯很搞笑,Sat. 翻譯成坐在上面。Sun. 翻太陽。
